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33 Weeks, 4 Days... Go Bucs!! |
Weeks 33 & 34 Update:
Size: At 33 weeks she is said to be a little over 4lbs and 17inches long (the size of a pineapple). At 34 weeks she is said to be 4 and 3/4lbs and 18 inches long (the size of a cantaloupe).
Movement: Lots of hiccuping and pretty consistant acrobatics. Although she does have her lazy days too.
Sleep: I am only having a difficult time getting to sleep when I start thinking about everything we have to get done in the next month. I stay asleep for about 4 hours before I have to get up to pee. I have been able to fall right back to sleep before having to get up again, to pee of course.
Symptoms: Just in the past week I have started to feel really HUGE! Breathing is a challenge and I seem to bump my belly into everything (the sink, counters, I've shut the car door on it). Hopefully there is enough padding and fluid to keep from doing any damage but it wouldn't surprise me if she is born with a bump or bruise or 2.
Cravings: I would say sweets but I have always had a pretty intense sweet tooth so I wouldn't necessarily chalk that up to pregnancy.
Weeks 33 & 34 Happenings: The Bucs season opener... unfortunately we didn't win. (for those of you who don't know my husband well, he is a DIE HARD Tampa Bay Buccaneers Fan. When the Bucs lose, our entire household, pets included, mourn.) I won't mention the fact that we have mourned 3 weeks in a row now. (Yikes!) Hopefully Brynlee's arrival will come on the heels of a few wins or her first impression of her Daddy could be pretty depressing! Onto more positive happenings like....
My (Florida) shower! It was nothing short of fabulous! Brynlee, Cozart and I are very lucky to have such amazing friends and family! We had good food, a gorgeous AND delicious cake, wonderful company and our little girl is sure to be the best dressed kid in town with all the adorable outfits she got!
Here are just a few pictures from my special day...
What weeks 35 & 36 had/have in store: Cozart and I attended our (8 hour) Child Birth class. More nursery progress (hopefully). We begin our weekly OB appointments and have our prenatal visit with our pediatrician. And the final countdown begins... Starting with today which marks one month until my last day of work before maternity leave... it can't come soon enough!!!!!
Cole update and other Prayer Requests: Just after posting my last update on my nephew, Cole, we were informed that the poor little guy would NOT be given the ok to go home until after he has recovered from the surgery they will perform to reconnect his intestines. This could keep him in the hospital for another 2-3 months! It was a pretty rough day for my brother and sister-in-law but since then, they have been given some good news about potentially reconnecting his intestines sooner rather than later. You can follow his progress, on his Caring Bridge Journal here. He is a tough little guy and has done so well but we are still looking for all the prayers we can get for continued progress and a healthy life for this sweet boy!
My other prayer request is for my Grandmother, Gen. Recently we were given news that she may be leaving us due to a series of little heart attacks (which she will tell you, the doctors were imagining) and a leaky valve in her heart. Selfishly, I want to request prayers for her to get better and stay with us forever, or at least until Brynlee is born and my sister gets married in June, but I know that that's not fair to her. She is 95 years young, has raised 8 children, 9 including Joanie who passed as a baby (Brynlee will be her 90th Grandchild), she has battled and BEAT breast cancer multiple times, she has an amazing sense of humor and an incredible faith in God. She is my favorite person in the entire world and I just can't imagine her not being here. I can't pray for her to stay with us forever so I pray for her peace, comfort and that she knows just how much she is loved, adored and the incredible impact she has made on so many lives, especially my own. I am officially in the NO FLYING part of my pregnancy so if I could just ask for one selfish thing, I pray that she hangs on just until I can come home to say goodbye. Thanks....