"For I know the plans I have for you', declares the Lord..." Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Our Babies...

I have been asked by a few people if I have forgotten about my blog or if I have fallen off the face of the earth. No and No, I'm here!!! I have just been lacking in the fertility news department as well as creativity and I may or may not have been completely consumed by a certain series of books referred to as "Mommy Porn". Yes I was sucked in by all 50 Shades and boy was it good! But much to my husbands liking, I have returned from fantasy land and will forget about Christian Grey until the movie comes out or until E.L. James releases a new book.

I have been mulling over what to write about seeing as we don't have another doctor's appointment until Friday. I hope to be able to report our plan of action and when that plan will be implemented following that appointment. Until then what else is there? I could write about the aforementioned series of books I just completed but I don't want to ruin it for any of you who are still reading. For those of you not reading them, although I highly recommend you do, I may lose you. I could write about other things I enjoy like wedding planning, yoga or the beach. But in honor of Mother's Day I would like to take some time to introduce you to my kids.

Every year around Mother's Day, since I was in my mid to late 20's, I get asked, like most women of the same age; "Are you a mother?", "Will you be celebrating Mother's Day this year?". Or some question of the liking. To which I respond, "Yes! But my kids have 4 legs, big ears, tails and fur." Sometimes I get a funny look or they laugh but mostly they just say, "Well, Happy Mother's Day then!". I know some of you just don't have the same feeling about your animals as we do and you just don't understand, you don't have animals at all or you just don't agree but I think having pets can be a lot like having kids. You're right, I've never had kids so how would I know? And maybe I'm not right in thinking that but after staying up all night with Winnie, our 7 month old Boston Terrier, while she threw up every hour. Even if it's not like having a child, it's pretty good practice!

Each of our "kids" very much has their own personality. Each of them assumes the same role that many of you who have multiple children may be able to relate to. And for those of you who already know them, maybe you'll get to know them better. For those of you who have yet to have the pleasure of meeting our brood... I give you... 

Tinkerbell (aka Tink, Stinkersmell, Stinker, Bell Bell, Bells or Bella)

Tink is 11 years old. She's been around the block a few times, or so she would like you to think. (she is kind of a know it all) I found her online while still living in Minnesota and sent my Mom and sister to the humane society to pick her up for me. They believed her to be about 8 months old and thought she was part Siamese. We believe her to be an Egyptian Mau not Siamese. She's not your ordinary cat. When people come over, she wants to be in the middle of all the action not hiding under a bed somewhere. When handing out treats to the dogs, she is right there begging with them. She prefers steak over fish any day. Tink is a talker, sometimes we can't get her to shut up. I can't blame her, it was her and me and 3 boys for about 5 years. That will give any woman a lot to talk about! Tink is also very independent, sassy, a lover and a daddy's girl. She loves no one more than Cozart.

 Bentley (aka Beezo, Mr. B, Bees, Mr. Mans, Sweet Boy)

Bentley will be 6 years old on May 23rd. (I can't believe it!!!). Bentley is the product of my Mom's dog, Archie who is a yorkie-poo and my sister's dog, Boo who is a peek-a-poo; which makes Bentley a porkie-poo. (I made that up in an effort to make him sound like a designer dog. I know, he's a mutt) He came from the first of several of their OOPS litters. He was 2lbs when I brought him to Florida with me on the airplane. I was asked by several people if he was a guinea pig. He was so cute! I fell in love with him from the first time I saw him. Bentley is our needy, extremely sensitive, problem child. And I don't mean problem as in he gets into trouble, I mean he has problems. (poor guy). He had a recessed testicle just like his big brother Uno, who has since passed on. He has allergies. He's a picky eater and has been prone to urinary tract infections. He lost his big brother and best friend in October which was extremely hard on him. And in an effort to ease his mourning and get him a new friend, he became the new friend's prey. Not fun, for him or me. Bentley is a Mommy's Boy and is spoiled. (There Cozart, I said it, YES HE IS SPOILED!) He loves to be carried. In fact, if he could spend the rest of his life in my arms, I think he'd be perfectly content. He is smart but stubborn and loves, loves, loves to chase squirrels and hunt lizards.

Deuce (aka Deucy, Deuce-Doo fka Ugh! That damn dog)

Oh Deuce, you have taken years off my life and are solely responsible for every wrinkle on my face and probably a few grey hairs on my head, if you could see them. Deuce is a 2 yr old boxer who we got from the Florida Boxer Rescue after having to put our 11 yr old boxer to sleep, in October. I knew he was going to be a hand full before even meeting him. You see, when looking for a new dog from a rescue there are certain words and phrases you need to be cognizant of when reading their bios. Much like when translating a description of a home for sale. You know that cozy = small, has potential = fixer upper, etc... When reading a dog description you should be aware of things like, needs strong pack leader, extremely energetic, likes to be an only pet. All of which can be translated into: this dog is bat shit crazy, will likely attack anything in it's path and will destroy your home. Ok maybe that's a bit extreme but you get what I'm saying. Deuce, who was Diesel at the time, was in need of a "strong pack leader" and had been in 4 homes in his short 18 months of life. I saw this as a red flag, Cozart saw it as a challenge and the perfect dog for us. Ugh!

When we went to meet him, he was very hyper but nothing abnormal for a boxer. He seemed sweet enough but something about him still didn't sit well with me. After some lengthy discussion I agreed to giving him a try. Deuce came home to us and was relatively well behaved until... he snapped. He attacked our poor little Bentley. This happened a couple of times before we hired a behaviorist. It happened a few more times after the behaviorist before we got him a shock collar. And it happened a few more times after the first shock collar before we got him a stronger shock collar. I felt the same way about the shock collar that many of you do but we honestly have had to actual shock him a handful of times. I was completely against the collar and thought it would be best to just return him to the rescue. I am so happy we didn't and am proud to say he is one of the best behaved dogs either of us has ever had (and between the 2 of us, we've had a TON of dogs). We could have just given up on him and eventually someone would have probably put him to sleep. I get a lump in my throat and my eyes water just thinking about it. He walks without a leash, he listens like he knows exactly what we're saying and he hasn't even curled his lip at Bentley in months. He is still a wild man when people come to visit but he's a boxer. It's what they do. He's a keeper.

Winnie (aka Nene, Winnie Pooper, Winn Winn, Sweet Baby Girl)

Winnie is our newest addition. She is a 7 month old Boston Terrier and the cutest thing you will ever see. I have always wanted a Boston Terrier and with the issues we were having with Deuce; I think Cozart had a feeling we may have to give Deuce back. I continued looking online for dogs, mainly Bostons, even after we got Deuce. I came across an ad for Boston puppies being sold for significantly lower than anywhere else I had seen. It was meant to be. We picked Winnie up the first week in December. She was TEENY weighing only 2lbs. The same as Bentley but without all the fur she looked even smaller than he was. We got in the car to drive home when Cozart started to say he was a bit concerned about her being too timid and not having any personality. No sooner did the words come out of his mouth she was climbing up his chest to give him kisses. He was sold and the love for her has just grown stronger and stronger. She has such a personality and gets along great with her 2 big brothers. Tink still isn't too sure about her. Some of Winnie's favorite things to do are steal toys for her brothers, run as fast as she can through the grass, go for walks and sleep in bed under the covers. She makes the funniest noises and is so excited to see you when you come home. She is definitely the baby and spoiled according to her role. She is BOTH a Mommy's and a Daddy's girl.

I may not have given birth to them but they are my babies and I love them with everything I have. I hope you've enjoyed getting to know them a little better! Feel free to come visit them any time, they love company!

Until Friday...

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